My Books

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Other Fiction (It’s Free)

Stealing Treasures

A short story about body positivity written in 2022. “They’re free, but they can’t be allowed to stay that way. There’s a buck to be made!”

Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website
Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website


A series of short stories written in 2020 that explore voting reform, employee treatment, encouraging thinking in children, and more.


A steamy firefighter romance written for a charity project in 2020. Written as a journal entry, the story shows a woman overcoming extreme stress to support her husband while he’s fighting that year’s Australian bushfires.

Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website
Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website

Golden Calf

A short story written in 2018 about a female pastor of a wealthy congregation who meets another female pastor who spreads radical love.

Running To Slaughter

A dystopian short story written in 2017 about beings who work, scrape, vote, and continue to scrape.

Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website
Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website

To My Daughter, The Next Leader

A dystopian short story written in 2016 discussing a strategy to control American citizens with a perfect cocktail of fear and entertainment.

The Whip

A 50 word short story written in 2016 about a mysteriously pointless invention.

Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website
Lara Rouse's little decorative placeholder for her website

The Accidental Sleuths

A mystery novella written in 2014 about married beekeepers trying to get away from the world and finding a murdered woman on their land.

Not Included Here

Lara is currently:

  • promoting a screenplay about Phineas Gage.